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Transition to ISO 9001:2015

For the past year MCM Industries has been in the process of transitioning from ISO 9001:2008 Standards to ISO 9001:2015. While the company is not yet formally certified we are in process and can share some of our knowledge with you.

Many key customers now recommend or require being certified under the new standard. Being proficient in learning and understanding ISO 9001:2008 has helped us prepare for the new standard. Learning and understanding are only a piece of the puzzle. In order to benefit fully from the knowledge you must have an organization that implements and practices the standard. Proficient understanding requires daily practice and continuous improvement.

Our plant manager and ISO standard expert Mirko Zlojutro has taken the task to immerse himself in the world of ISO. To fully understand the ins and outs takes patience and persistence. The differences between the two standards may seem basic and straight forward but I assure you they are not simplistic.

Plan . Do . Check . Act .

These are the key levels of the new standard which must be followed in order to achieve the benefits of ISO.

The new standard allows for everyone in the entire process to play a key role in the entire output. Input and Output of every source in the process is key, not only to the customer but for every acting entity. ISO 9001:2015 training and auditing process has been a great knowledge boosting experience and we are looking forward to our certification under the new standard.

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